The details about the Ring Imanging Cherenkov detector can be found in the below mentioned note.
Type | Name | Description |
short | get_n0 | number of phototubes that are fired in the normally sized ring area (inner radius of 3.4 and outer radius of 8.4 cm around the projection point of the track onto the PMT plane of the RICH) |
float | get_npe0 | number of photo-electrons (i.e. summed pulse height) summed over the normally sized ring area |
short | get_n1 | number of phototubes in a wider area than n0 (within a radius of 11 cm ) |
float | get_npe1 | number of photoelectrons (summed pulse height) over the n1 PMT |
short | get_n2 | number of hit PMTs within a radius of 8.4 cm around the projection point of the track onto the PMT plane |
float | get_npe2 | number of photoelectrons over the n2 PMTs |
short | get_n3 | number of hit PMTs in a ring with inner radius of 3.9 and outer radius of 7.9 cm |
float | get_npe3 | number of photoelectrons over the n3 PMTs |
float | get_center_phi | phi coordinate of the measured ring center (i.e., the p.e. weighted mean position of the hit PMTs within a radius < 11 cm) |
float | get_center_z | z-coordinate of the measured ring center (i.e., the p.e. weighted mean position of the hit PMTs within a radius < 11 cm) |
float | get_cross_phi | phi-coordinate of the projected track on the PMT plane |
float | get_cross_z | zcoordinate of the projected track on the PMT plane |
float | get_chi2 | evaluates how good the distribution of p.e. within a radius of 11 cm around the track projection point corresponds to a ring with the expected electron radius. The units are cm^2 and typically cuts are placed on chi2/npe0 as a semi-normalized chi^2/dof |
float | get_disp | measures the displacement of ring center w.r.t. the track projection positon in the RICH PMT array |
short | get_tcrk | time of the rich ring. It is measured w.r.t an effective "photon flash" time and thereby centers around zero |
short | get_sn0 | swapped version of n0 |
float | get_snpe0 | swapped version of npe0 |
short | get_sn1 | swapped version of n1 |
float | get_snpe1 | swapped version of npe1 |
short | get_sn2 | swapped version of n2 |
float | gets_npe2 | swapped version of npe2 |
short | get_n3 | swapped version of n3 |
float | get_snpe3 | swapped version of npe3 |
float | get_scross_phi | swapped version of cross_phi |
float | get_scross_z | swapped version of cross_z |
float | get_schi2 | swapped version of chi2 |
float | get_sdisp | swapped version of disp |
short | get_stcrk | swapped version of tcrk |