Help Needed!

Work Items

This website is under active development. If you are able and willing to contribute, your help will be greatly appreciated! There are a variety of work items for almost any skill level and area of expertise. Should you need to add or modify content on this site or some parts of its layout you will find the“how-to” page useful.

Please take a look at the following list and let us know if you can help:

   Description    Required Level of Expertise    Priority
   Harvesting and curation of the detector descriptions and material from legacy sources    medium    medium
   Uploading PhD theses of PHENIX researchers to Zenodo, indexing (keywords)    low    medium
   Uploading preformatted publication data to the HEPData website    medium    low
   Documentation of a complete reproducible analysis use case    high    high
   Creation of a fully functional PISA tutorial and documentation    high    high
   Creation of a fully functional fun4all tutorial and documentation    high    high
   Migration of the PHENIX plot database to a new platform    high    medium