Pad Chambers

Cross-section view of the PHENIX detector

Detector Overview

A detailed description about PHENIX Pad Chambers (PC) can be found at the following links. The PCs consist of three layers of multiwire proportional chambers, with a cathode pad readout. They provide space points along the trajectory of charged particles to determine the polar angle θ , used to calculate the pz component of the momentum vector. PC1 is essential for the 3D momentum determination by providing the z-coordinate at the exit of the DC. The DC and PC1 information are combined to determine the straight line trajectories outside the magnetic field. PC2 and PC3 are needed to resolve ambiguities in the outer detectors where about 30% of the particles striking the EMCal are produced by either secondary interaction or decays outside the aperture of DC and PC1.




Variables and Accessors under PHCentralTrack Node

   Type    Name    Description
   float    get_ppc1x    Track model X-projection to PC1 (cm)
   float    get_ppc1y    Track model Y-projection to PC1 (cm)
   float    get_ppc1z    Track model Z-projection to PC1 (cm)
   float    get_ppc2x    Track model X-projection to PC2 (cm)
   float    get_ppc2y    Track model Y-projection to PC2 (cm)
   float    get_ppc2z    Track model Z-projection to PC2 (cm)
   float    get_ppc3x    Track model X-projection to PC3 (cm)
   float    get_ppc3y    Track model Y-projection to PC3 (cm)
   float    get_ppc3z    Track model Z-projection to PC3 (cm)
   float    get_pc1sect    This is the sector number that contains the PC1 hit associated to this track
   float    get_pc2sect    This is the sector number that contains the PC2 hit associated to this track
   short    get_pc3sect    This is the sector number that contains the PC3 hit associated to this track
   float    get_pc1phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit in PC1
   float    get_pc1z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit in PC1
   float    get_pc2phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit in PC2
   float    get_pc2z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit in PC2
   float    get_pc3phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit in PC3
   float    get_pc3z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit in PC3
   float    get_pc2dphi    Difference in phi (rads) between the track model projection and the hit in PC2
   float    get_pc2dz    Difference in Z (cm) between the track model projection and the hit in PC2.
   float    get_pc3dphi    Difference in phi (rads) between the track model projection and the hit in PC3
   float    get_pc3dz    Difference in Z (cm) between the track model projection and the hit in PC3
   float    get_pc2sdphi    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS
   float    get_pc2sdz    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS
   float    get_pc3sdphi    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS
   float    get_pc3sdz    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS
   short    get_pc1id    Index of the PC1 hit used
   short    get_pc2id    Index of the PC2 hit used
   short    get_pc3id    Index of the PC3 hit used
   float    get_spc1phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc1z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc2phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc2z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc3phi    This is the phi coordinate (rads) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc3z    This is the Z coordinate (cm) of the measured hit associated to the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc2dphi    Difference in phi (rads) between the track model projection and the SWAPPED hit in PC2
   float    get_spc2dz    Difference in Z (cm) between the track model projection and the SWAPPED hit in PC2
   float    get_spc3dphi    Difference in phi (rads) between the track model projection and the SWAPPED hit in PC3
   float    get_spc3dz    Difference in Z (cm) between the track model projection and the SWAPPED hit in PC3
   float    get_spc2sdphi    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS, but for the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc2sdz    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS, but for the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc3sdphi    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS, but for the SWAPPED projection
   float    get_spc3sdz    This is the difference between the track model projection and the measurement normalized to SIGMAS, but for the SWAPPED projection
   short    get_spc2id    Index of the SWAPPED PC2 hit used
   short    get_spc3id    Index of the SWAPPED PC3 hit used