PHENIX Calorimeter (NIM A 499, 2003,
High Energy Beam Test of the PHENIX Lead-Scintillator EM Calorimeter High Energy Beam Test of the PHENIX Lead-Scintillator EM Calorimeter
Type | Name | Description |
float | get_pemcx | x-component of the projection of the cgl track onto the EMC (cm) |
float | get_pemcy | y-component of the projection of the cgl track onto the EMC (cm) |
float | get_pemcz | z-component of the projection of the cgl track onto the EMC (cm) |
float | get_plemc | path Length following particle trajectory from vertex to EMC |
float | get_temc | time of the EMC hit. This time has been back-corrected inPHCentralTracks to be the physical time instead of the photon flash time. The reason is that the former is more useful for calculating properties of a charged track. |
float | get_emcdphi | difference in phi (rads) between the track model projection and the hit in emc |
float | get_emcdz | difference in Z (cms) between the track model projection and the hit in emc |
float | get_emcsdphi | emcdphi variable normalized to SIGMAS (after calibrations) |
float | get_emcsdz | emcdz variable normalized to SIGMAS (after calibrations) |
float | get_emcsdphi_e | position resolution of the EMCal depends upon the shower type. emcdphi variable in SIGMAS assuming the resoution appropriate for EM showers (after calibrations) |
float | get_emcsdz_e | position resolution of the EMCal depends upon the shower type. emcdz variable in SIGMAS assuming the resoution appropriate for EM showers (after calibrations) |
float | get_ecore | energy deposited in the EMC "shower core" |
float | get_dep | reduced variable for ecore/mom(E/p) that is centered at zero, with sigma around one. It is convenient cut as the known pt and charge dependence is fully accounted for |
float | get_ecorr | EMC corrected energy (after calibrations) |
float | get_ecent | energy deposited in the central tower |
float | get_prob | probability that the particle shower is Electro-magnetic. |
short | get_sect | EMC sector of the associated cluster |
short | get_ysect | EMC tower Y index inside the sector |
short | get_zsect | EMC tower Z index inside the sector |
short | get_twrhit | tower hit of ....(Need to check with Gabor) |
int | get_deadmap | flag the denotes whether the EMC shower borders a known dead tower (after calibrations) |
int | get_warnmap | flag that denotes whether the EMC shower borders a known hot tower (after calibrations) |
float | get_stemc | swapped version of temc |
float | get_semcdphi | swapped version of emcdphi |
float | get_semcdz | swapped version of emcdz |
float | get_semcsdphi | swapped version of emcsdphi |
float | get_semcsdz | swapped version of emcsdz |
float | get_semcsdphi_e | swapped version of emcsdphi_e |
float | get_semcsdz_e | swapped version of emcsdz_e |
float | get_secore | swapped version of ecore |
float | get_secorr | swapped version of ecorr |
float | get_sprob | swapped version of prob |
short | get_sysect | swapped version of ysect |
short | get_szsect | swapped version of zsect |
short | get_stwrhit | swapped version of twrhit |
int | get_sdeadmap | swapped version of deadmap |
int | get_swarnmap | swapped version of warnmap |
float | get_secent | swapped version of ecent |
EMCal has its own classes emcClusterContainer
and emcClusterContent
that contain variables used mainly for the analysis of neutral mesons. The small code snippet below shows the usage of these classes and one example to access a variable. The rest of the variables listed below in the table can be accessed in the same manner.
PHCentralTrack* d_cnt = getClass<PHCentralTrack>(topNode,"PHCentralTrack");
emcClusterContainer *emccont = getClass<emcClusterContainer> (topNode, "emcClusterContainer");
emcClusterContent* emc = emccont->getCluster(icluster);
for ( unsigned int itrk = 0; itrk < d_cnt->get_npart(); ++itrk )
for (int iclus = 0; iclus < int( emccont->size() ); iclus++)
emc = emccont->getCluster(iclus);
float energy = emc->ecore();
A complete list of these EMCal specific variables is as follows:
Type | Name | Description |
short | id | index of the current emcal cluster |
float | ecore | energy deposited in the central tower |
short | x | X position of emc cluster |
short | y | Y position of emc cluster |
short | z | Z position of emc cluster |
short | iypos | Z position of emc cluster |
float | izpos | energy deposited in the shower core |
float | chi2 | chi2 for the accociated cluster (Need to check with Gabor) |
float | prob_photon | Probablity that shower is from a photon (Need to check with Gabor) |
float | tofcorr | Corrected time-of-flight |
float | ecent | energy deposited in the tower |
float | e9 | Energy deduced from a simple 3x3 sum and is useful for estimating trigger efficiencies |